Visiativ - ABGi



ABGi, part of Visiativ


ABGi is joining forces with Visiativ in 2018 to continue and accelerate its development. A strategic merger serving a singular ambition and positioning:
Addressing all market segments: leveraging the strength of Visiativ’s territorial footprint and accelerating the deployment of our offering to Visiativ’s customers, more specifically to the VSE,SMI/SMI segments.


Exploit the potential of new technologies: use Visiativ’s technological skills to accelerate the digitization of our business and increase our value proposition.


Promote an entrepreneurial and long-term approach: capitalize on Visiativ’s experience and knowledge in activating growth options and creating new business models.

In 2021, ABGi will implement CATALYST, Visiativ’s strategic plan, related to with this new promise: Platform Innovation.


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