Creative Export Canada | ABGi Canada


Creative Export Canada

Creative Export Canada


The Creative Export Canada (CEC) program provides visibility and funding to help Canadian creative works achieve financial success abroad. CEC aims to heighten exposure of Canadian creative works in international markets and to increase export profitability for Canada’s creative industries



    The Export-Ready Stream, formerly known as CEC, provides $7 million in funding per year to support export-ready projects that are expected to generate export revenues and help Canadian creative industries reach more people around the world.



    Business must be incorporated under Canadian law, be a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, be Canadian-owned and -controlled, have up to $500 million in annual revenues, and employ at least one full-time employee working a minimum of 30 hours per week.



    The application process can be detailed, and meeting the eligibility requirements can be challenging. With our expertise, we can assist your company in navigating these complexities and maximizing this funding to enhance your international market presence and growth.



    Our expert will assist you throughout the entire application process. As the program requires  to submit interim reports during your project, our team will handle all project status reports, allowing you to concentrate on driving your export activities.

    How Long Does It Take To Receive Funding?

    The process from application submission to receiving the first payment can take 6 to 12 months or longer, depending on various factors like the complexity of your project and how quickly a company meets any requirements outlined by the program.


    Can I Use An External Consultant For Assistance?

    Yes, a company applying for CEC program can use an external consultant for assistance with writing the projects and business plan.


    Can I Claim SR&ED Tax Credit and other funding programs?

    Yes. It is possible to claim SR&ED tax credit and apply for CEC funding. However, an analysis needs to be conducted to avoid any double-dipping risk.

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