Materials, Metallurgy & Plastics - ABGi




Materials, Metallurgy & Plastics

The majority of activities undertaken in these sectors will be eligible for the R&D tax credit or other funding mechanisms, such as grants. Companies in this sector continue to be at the forefront of improving product quality and developing new processes in a very competitive environment.

The challenges


With a key role as a supplier of technological solutions for the development of other industries (automotive, aeronautics, medicine, etc.), the sector carries out significant R&D and innovation activities in a large number of areas: metallurgy, plastic and rubber products, minerals, paper, etc.

Examples of eligible activities


  • Design, model, simulate and analyze new / improved products and / or processes;
  • Build specialized tooling and equipment used to improve products and / or processes;
  • Create new metal formation processes;
  • Develop software applications for internal or external use;
  • Develop new composite materials or improve existing ones;
  • Investments in new production tools

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