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Leveraging IRAP As Well As The SR&ED Tax Credit To Maximize Your Companies Innovation

The two most lucrative incentives for companies incorporated in Canada to take advantage of are The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Program (NRC IRAP) and the Scientific Research and Experimental Development tax credit (SR&ED).  Many companies are familiar with one over the other however are not aware that they can claim both incentives to maximize their research and innovation. Below is a brief comparison between the two programs as well as an example of how a company can claim both IRAP and SR&ED.

Planning & Preparing for an SR&ED First-Time Claimant Advisory Service (FTCAS)

The SR&ED first-time claimant advisory service (FTCAS) was introduced by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 2014. This is a free discussion to all first-time claimants on the SR&ED program that must be attended by all first-time filers. The discussion/meeting will assist all applicants in preparing future SR&ED claims regardless of using a consultant or filing in-house. Since this advisory service is fairly new, we have experienced many companies asking us questions about the FTCAS program. Below we have illustrated questions and concerns that many companies face with the FTCAS as well as how to be prepared when the CRA is asking for additional SR&ED documentation.

Claiming an SR&ED Tax Credit as a CCPC vs. Non-CCPC

A CCPC is a Canadian-controlled private corporation with ownership in Canada. The CCPC is not registered on the stock exchange nor does it have ownership in a foreign country. With relation to the SR&ED Tax Credit, a CCPC will maintain its status as long as the taxable capital is less than $50 million.
A Non-CCPC can be a public company incorporated in Canada, owning shares on the stock exchange, having foreign ownership, or having a taxable capital larger than $50 million.

The Importance of Documentation & Time Tracking With an SR&ED Claim

Maintaining NRC IRAP (National Research Council Industrial Research Assistance Program) funding can be a challenge for businesses, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada. Here’s a breakdown of some key struggles:

When To Capitalize On My Companies SR&ED Claim – Development Or Commercialization?

From start-ups to SMEs to large corporations, we often find companies asking us, “when should we claim our SR&ED projects for the year” and “what activities qualify”? Usually, companies new to the SR&ED program tend to look at the commercialization of a project.

Quick Guide to SR&ED Deadlines & Reviews

Navigating SR&ED Tax Credit deadlines and reviews can be complex, but with proper planning, you can simplify the process. In this quick guide, we’ll explore SR&ED filing deadlines, outline ABGi Canada’s streamlined five-stage process for filing claims, and offer insights into CRA reviews.

CRA’s New Authorization For Representatives Over The Telephone

As of January 1st, 2021, new changes to contact The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) over the phone will take into effect. CRA is tasked with protecting the information of businesses and individuals and in doing so will require additional information from a person contacting them about financial information.

SR&ED Eligibility Criteria and Possible Projects in the Medical Cannabis Industry Continued

In our first article published in March on the Medical Cannabis Industry titled SR&ED Eligibility Criteria and Possible Projects in the Medical Cannabis Industry, we continue on educating entrepreneurs and companies within the industry to take advantage of the SR&ED program.

The 9 SR&ED Protocol Stages for the Cannabis Industry

This article will focus on the first stages of the SR&ED project.
To make sure that the correct amount of expenses is claimed, it is very important to determine when the SR&ED project begins.

SR&ED Eligibility Criteria and Possible Projects in the Medical Cannabis Industry

The Scientific Research and Experimental Development program (SR&ED) was established to support R&D and innovation within Canada. $3 to $5 billion dollars is dedicated to the program annually by the government. Any Canadian company acquiring new knowledge (which is not available in the public domain) by the systematic investigation is eligible for up to 65% refund for its R&D expenses, including salaries, overhead, subcontractors and consumed materials.

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