The new SQRI² Innovation strategy in Quebec - ABGi

The new SQRI² Innovation strategy in Quebec

The 5 pillars of the SQRI²


June 05, 2022


The Quebec government has announced its new strategy for research and investment in innovation. Called SQRI², this action plan, estimated at $7.5 billion, will run from 2022-2027. The goals of this measure are to improve business productivity and reduce the gap in GDP per capita with Ontario in order to ultimately increase the prosperity and wealth of Quebec citizens.

Focus 1

The actions undertaken by the Quebec government are centered on the increase and allocation of research funds in science and technology. Researchers and engineers must feel supported in order to encourage them to mobilize their skills.

Focus 2

The creation of an environment favorable to the good development of innovation is in the foreground. The valorization of the results obtained and the facilitation of access to resources (CCTT, RSRI…) are the main actions supported by the Government.

Focus 3

Investments in innovation and their commercialization in companies must be rewarded. This translates into the adaptation of financial incentives (tax credits and subsidies) by the Government and its support to project incubators.

Focus 4

Theme 4 deals with the deployment of scientific culture in educational institutions. It is necessary to develop the attraction of innovation in the school environment from the earliest age and to ensure the succession and the increase of young graduates in the scientific fields.

Focus 5

Finally, in the final section of the SQRI², the government wishes to prioritize the future sectors for Quebec : the fields with strong economic spin-offs for the region and those which are in line with the current challenges of society such as decarbonization and sustainable development.

Ultimately, this new action plan will facilitate exchanges in the research and innovation ecosystem. The transition from the innovation chain to its financing cycle will be easier. This will de-risk and democratize innovation in order to encourage companies to have new ideas, to experiment with them and to commercialize them.

The author of this article :

  Alice SIGÉ

Associate & Head of operations

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